Garden Centre Visit

We visited a large garden centre up by Carlisle today just to have a look around and see what our competitors are doing.
A long drive up in the little MX through a lot of traffic particularly some very badly driven artics.Anyone involved with HGV knows that drivers across Europe have to do a CPC (Certificate of Professional Competence) to bring driving standards up.After my experiences today I think a better description of CPC would be Certifiable Prat in Charge (I wanted to use a better descriptive P word but Helen wouldn't let me).Hopefully after they have all been trained there may be a few less of them found on there sides at the roadside causing traffic jams.Rant over.

Late blip and very tired will catch up and chat tomorrow.

Be careful out there.

Blip is boats on Windermere.Not so good but best I managed today.

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