
For the 3rd time of trying.

I was invited to London to see the Bruce Weber and David Bailey exhibition by Nokia who also picked up the tab. Nice work by Bailey and Weber, but it's very much ad for the new 1020 and I'll get to join in the fun in a couple of days.

Shoreditch is a wet dream for anyone who loves street art - I've got hundreds of shots of different pieces - I had a blast just mooching around in side streets.

Finished off with a splendid dinner in the Relais de Venise - always excellent.

I've now given up fighting the awful wifi on the train and am using my phone's wifi instead - 1st world problem, I know, but that, and the lack of a bar before Nuneaton, which is well behind us as I type this, and I'm glad I'm not paying for this second rate 1st class ticket.

/Edit - the guard (?) was delayed and decided he couldn't give a shit. Free bottle of red wine. So every cloud and all that :-)

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