Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Late Afternoon Pause

When Mr. Fun arrived home this afternoon, we took a quick trip to my campus so that I could make a few photocopies for tomorrow's classes and also because I wanted him to see the new "used" computer in my office and help me locate some of the programs. I could not find "Word" or "Office Suite" and I knew they had to be there somewhere. Sure enough, he simply typed into the Search Box the letters  "w o r " before he could get the "d" on it, the computer had found the "Microsoft-Word" program that I needed.

Once we got back home, we decided to sit outside and enjoy the lovely cool afternoon. Very refreshing after all the HOT temperatures we've had for most of the past month.

Tomorrow is our oldest granddaughter's birthday. Ashly will be 25. We can hardly believe it has been 25 years since our lives expanded with the joy of grand-parenting. If we had known that grandkids would be so much fun, we would have skipped having children and started with grandkids. ;-)

So that's about it from Funville for today.

Good night from Southern California,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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