September Challenge: Day 9 ....


Well, sadly this is our last day here. It's back to reality tomorrow.

As it is our last day, we didn't have much planned.

All week long I have been watching the hummingbird feeder that hangs from the porch next door; wondering which challenge topic would be appropriate. Rainbow fits the bill nicely, I think. So, I staked myself out in my mom's car and clicked, clicked, clicked! Got so many photos of these beauties it was very difficult to pick just one. This may look like a hummingbird and his shadow, but it's actually two hummers. There were sometimes three or four hummers on this feeder at one time ~ so awesome!

Once I finally came in from photographing the hummingbirds, we got ready to take advantage of the pool again. Well, my mom and I did. R took the time to walk back to the park we were at the other day. He stayed there for as long as the roosters would allow! Text he sent me: Heading back Roosters driving me crazy! Mom and I stayed at the pool until he got back so that he could take a cooling off swim. The weather is still quite hot and humid. Nice weather forecast for the next couple of days, though. Just in time for us to head home!

After lunch we decided to take a drive to Alta Vista Botanical Gardens. R had read about this garden and it sounded very interesting. Alta Vista Botanical Gardens harmoniously incorporates education, nature and art. While there we ran into one of the volunteers that helps with the upkeep. He gave us a great personal tour of the gardens, explaining how everything came to be. He and his wife created the Jeffery Stein Children's Music Garden in honor of their late son who was a musician. We had fun playing all the "instruments."

Our last day here ended with a great meal and more family fellowship. My sister and her husband came over after dinner and we had a wonderful time visiting one last time before we leave in the morning. My other sister had left for New York first thing this morning and was home before we even ate dinner!

I would like to thank everyone here in California and my sister who flew here from New York to help celebrate with us. You have made my birthday week something I will not soon forget. We had a wonderful time! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

Back blipped: September 19.

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