RSD Photo's SoCal Life

By rsdphotography

Bolillo Quest

I have felt like a knight on a quest these past three days. I have waxed rhapsodically about my favorite Mexico food, bolillo, many times in the past. The first thing I do after any trip away is head into the market the next morning to stock up on this heavenly bread treat. Unfortunately all the visitors in town for Independence Day have been doing the same thing. Trips to the market on Saturday and Sunday left me empty handed. Today, I was not to be denied!

My usual spot inside the market was out as it had been the previous two days and the line was formidable. I had experienced the frenzy that occurs once product becomes available, so I quickly visited my second favorite shop that mercifully had a few remaining. I swung by my first choice, just as the basket had been refilled, and captured this image of the crowd surging for their order.

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