My Aim is True



Goodness. It's all quite exhuasting. Remembering what shows I'm going to, and with whom. And remembering to collect tickets at The Fringe office. And remembering to take tickets when I leave the house. And remembering who is in my house, this month there are The Uninvited Guests, The Unexpected Guests, The Out-of-the-blue Guests and The couldn't-come-at-a-worse-time Guests.

However it's all working out not too badly.

I went to see the International Photography Exhibition. I have gone to this every year for umpteen years. And i always enjoy it. But, you know, this year many of the photos just looked a bit contrived, and some were not brilliant. But I think that the problem may be that blipfoto means that every day I see astounding photos. And even better I get to read a wee bot about the blip and the blipper. It was quite odd walking around there with only a title and the name of the photographer. I wanted to know more about the subject and the photographer. having said that, it's still worth a look, and really for 3 quid you cannae complain, can you?

Then after that it was off to see a play. Another one , that will be a 2009 Fringe "must-see", I am sure.

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