Vive la Vie

By gillybxl


Yesterday I put in a 14 hour day at work due to normal work, coaching and HS Open House which went on until 10pm. I only saw the kids at breakfast as I even had to leave for work early. I hate not being able to read them a bedtime story or give them a kiss goodnight.
Today wasn't as bad but after coaching this evening I had the ECC Open House where I met all of the teachers who teach my kids and found out what exactly they will be doing for the year and how they are doing so far. I always find these evenings really informative and interesting but to be honest I'm shattered and yet again I returned home too late to say goodnight to the kids, hence the photo of a sleeping Dexter. I found him asleep in bed with his torch on and a book and a couple of cars. Olivia is very similar as she uses her torch to read her books once we've turned the lights out. I find it so endearing and I guess it's not so much of a guilt thing but more of a miss them thing as I haven't bee able to chat to them about their days for the last two nights. I only have this ridiculous work schedule for three months and I love what I do so I shouldn't complain too much and they get to spend some quality time with their Dad!

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