Life, not as we see it.


Around Rotterdam

Uneventful run up from Bad Whatsit to Rotterdam. Got there at 12:30, with the ferry not due to sail until 21:00. What to do with 7 hours until check-in? We drove in to the centre of R'dam, looking for the historic town – couldn't find it and were both “desperados”. So, set the SatNav for a small town outside the city, looking for a bar / restaurant for lunch. Found one, but not until after one of us had sought relief in a wee corner of an industrial estate. There was nothing else to see or do so we set off to explore the coast south west of R'dam, en-route to Belgium.
Don't quite know how, but we ended up in a little town called Zierikzee, in the middle of nowhere. Strange little place, but one with a history.

So, wat can we learn from today's composite? Firstly, "Engeland" is apparently much closer to Holland than we all suppose, being only 3 km from the sign at Europoort. Also, as mentioned previously, Zierikzee was once the biggest harboursin the whole of Europe, however one has to ask, what's the madder?
Thirdly, there are 2 styles of church in Zierikzee. One has no steeple, and the other has a very fancy one. Pourquoi? I hear you ask, although why in French I shudder to think. I don't know, and can't be rsed to find out. Can you? Answers on a postcard please to . . . . .

You can also see that “Windmills R Us” have almost completed the restoration of this 1779 example, and will soon be removing their cherry picker and portaloo. It is also to be noted that the Doors appear, at the bottomRHS, together, or “in concert” (Joke Guys!) The penultimate gleaning is that the Dutch keep all their organic, tasty produce to themselves, top RHS. (I bought some, and yes I did put money in the honesty box.)
Finally, you can play “Spot the Dog”.

Yes, you are perfectly correct, I've got too much time on my hands today.

Next stop Hull, or should that be Hell-on-Humber? (See first entry for this trip.)


C U next trip.

PS Sent from onboard The Good Ship Pride of Hull, at enormous expense, and without spell check. ENJOY!

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