Lisa's blipping life

By Lisamoore


With my new hours at work i have more time to ..yes felt :) but also to catch up on thoses jobs that you just never get round to doing. Bottoming rooms clearing out cupboards etc.
Yesterday was a clearing out cupboard day.
Things had been put in there that i had totally forgot about... Including tomas.
Tomas was Es teddy, he took him everywhere as most children do.
Seeing him brought back many memories and i left him on Es bed when he came home, he looked at him and laughed! Ahh tomas id forgot all about him, whats he doing on my bed? I told him about the clear out and said i cant throw him away he will have to go into the loft with the other memories.
So last night tomas was reduced to sitting on the landing ready to go into the loft.
Tonight, i came home after 10pm it being my long day at work, i went upstairs to get my pjs on and there was tomas, sat next to a bin bag that had appeared and i swear!! His face looked a little sadder.... He may end up on my bed instead.....

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