Cardiff Castle at night

This is Cardiff castle, it doesn't look it in this shot but its a really impressive place. Over the other side of Cardiff tonight on another dry night :-) I wish they'd make the effort and light the castle up better, not just for us Blippers but it's in the heart of the city and deserves to be shown off.

I got into work for 04:00 this morning and completed what I wanted to to do, I have to admit, I must be getting old as I'm feeling a bit tired tonight and it's only 23:00 :-) LG advice was "Early night or dance until Dawn" I couldn't find Dawn so I guess I'll go to bed :-)

POET's day for me tomorrow and then Abergavenny food festival on Saturday, for anyone in the area they're running a photographic competition :-)

Many thanks for all the Fav's, stars and wonderful comments on my Moonlighting blip yesterday, they were all truly wonderful to read and answer :-)

Have a great Friday my friends

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