Tea with added Krust

By KrusTea

Smile for the Birdie

As I was wandering round Kirkintilloch today, I found this Very noisy young bird following mum around the car park. I didn't think I knew what sort it was, but I'm told that it's a seagull just different markings than I'm used to.

However, as I was lining up phone camera to take this, a guy drove past very slowly so's not to disturb the mum and shouted out his window! "Smile for the birdie" I laughed, snapped and the birds flew off.

*** I've very recently got a new phone with a new camera and I'm not sure how it all works and adjusts yet, so I've uploaded half a dozen or so entries which are all the pictures I've taken up to now (the 19th) BUT I think I'm getting better at using it, so I'll be back more regularly now!

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