Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Morning Wattle

So. Early photo this morning. Mrs tsuken spied a bird in the gum down the back. She thought it was a wattlebird. Out I went with my camera, but facing as I was, looking eastward into a very bright sky, I couldn't get any sort of half-decent shot. Then it took off, and instead of flying away, came closer, alighting in the lower branches of our Japanese Maple (I think that's what it is).

Snappity-snap - while frantically adjusting the exposure compensation, which I had ramped up while trying to take the super-backlit photos. The two I ended up with are both unfortunately fuzzy, but this is the better of the two in that regard.

You could look large, but I fear it'll just be fuzzier.

And I'm still square for September.

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