Literary loveliness....

A night of songs, words and too much drink.

Canongate's 40th birthday bash was held at the Jam House. Performing, among others were ....

Lemn Sissay
Hollie McNish - excellent slam poet
Michel Faber
Rick Redbeard (and his sister)
Aidan Moffat and RM Hubbert - awesome as always
Matt Haig
Jeremy Dyson - very funny
Whatever Gets You Through the Night
James Rhodes - very good

Sadly, Alasdair Gray, who was on the bill, wasn't able to make it.

When an evening starts with a tequila shot and a bag of goodies, it can only be a good thing, right?

Slightly fuzzy today as well.....can't think why.

This blip, which was taken at the end of the night, is of the art that was created throughout the evening on a large canvas by several artists. Not sure where it's final destination is.

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