The Cheesegrater and the Walkie Talkie

It would seem that it's not only Berlin that has undergone a number of changes in my life time but so has my old stomping ground of the City of London. I was invited to a lunch which it would have been rude to refuse (!) and walked over London Bridge admiring the skyline on a beautiful autumn day. The 2 new high rise buildings still under construction are being built on places I used to pass on a daily basis some 30+ years ago.
The Cheesegrater, on the left, or 122 Leadenhall Street, is on the site of the old P&O building which I used to run past most days to catch the train home. The other building is more controversial and is at 20 Fenchurch Street, next door to where I worked, and has been nicknamed the Walkie Talkie until recently when it was renamed the Walkie Scorchie! This is because, at certain times of the day, the sun shines onto the building which acts as a mirror and reflects the light onto the streets. Temperatures are said to be as high as 117 degrees and so hot that they melted part of a parked car!

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