Double Shot Mummy


Today we met the Gruffalo

At Mercato Mall. Bailee and Oscar's nursery teacher told us she heard he would be making an appearance there as she knew how much they adored the furry beast!

As predicted, they were all eyes. Maple enjoyed it too. I even won a baby grow for Maple from Radio One.... "i sleep" it has written on it. I wish!!!!!

We got a rather cute family pic for free from Pink Pepper. Bailee then was treated to some new headbands and we headed to The Organic Foods and Cafe for their big monthly 20% off day. With a family of 5, it is a big savings and we stocked up. We enjoyed some yummy pizza for lunch together there pre the big shop. Oscar and Bailee had their hearts set on pushing around a kids trolley.... there were none left until the end of the trip. To their delight, they got to push one each with a box of 'Outback Animal Biscuits' in to the car.

Speaking of the car..... it get's very hot parked outside in the Dubai Summer. The air-con really struggles and it is hot! hot! hot!

We are hoping Team NZ wins the 9th race in the yachting tonight and brings the America's Cup back to NZ. Good luck!

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