Blue Lagoon

After a whole series of "Mike and Molly" , A little bit of "Suburgatory", and trying to get some shut eye with Benjamin Francis Leiftwich playing in my ears, we landed in Iceland. We have gone forward in time four hours.
Booked tickets to go to the blue Lagoon this morning on the plane, so when we arrived we had a couple hours wait for the bus to take us there.
Headed to the Blue Lagoon and got there by ten, Mum and I both want to have a natural hot spring in the back garden I think, It was so nice and warm, of course.
I had a moment of I wish I had my camera, when It was chucking down with rain and I was in the water and over the spa building appeared a very vivid double rainbow, (I feel like the guy in the you tube video saying that).
Jumped back onto the bus which took us to our new home for the next couple nights , after a little confusion as to which street it was on.
Now settling in, after some tomato soup and Oreos
Sleep time soon....

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