'Luton What?'

Thanks for all your cheery wishes on my birthday, yesterday. I had a lovely day!

This afternoon, as part of the on-going celebrations I was invited to take tea at 'Luton What?'

The Mansion was re-developed by the Werner family in Edwardian times in the 'Belle Epoque' style, it has now been turned into a stunning hotel and thankfully, retained many of the superb features and huge rooms of that era.

As children we would run riot through the rock garden and grounds and drool at the Faberge Collection, our noses pressed against the glass cabinets.

We always called it 'Luton What?' thinking that 'Luton Who?' was a bit posh.

Today we OD-ed on tiny sandwiches, scones, and dainty little cakes, washed down with a glass of Champagne and multiple cups of Earl Grey,

Perhaps the time has come to call it by it's correct name of Luton Hoo now!

No, it will always be 'Luton What?' to me.

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