R.I.P Scott. I never knew you, but it's obvious you were a big part of a lot of people's lives. I can't even begin to imagine what your family is going through.

This morning at school, it just seemed like an ordinary day. During tutor group (Which is a class with a mix of people from each year), a couple of 6th year students came to the door, and asked to speak to our teacher. Nothing too unusual about that. A few minutes later, she stopped us doing our work.

"Right guys, I'm afraid I have some shocking, upsetting news. One of our third year boys, Scott Primrose, was rushed to intensive care last night. Unfortunately, this morning, he died.". The class fell into a shocked silence. You literally couldn't hear anyone breathe. Our teacher was crying a little. I was almost crying, and so were a couple of other people. We sat in almost complete silence for the rest of the period.

When the bell went, and we walked through the corridor, there was such a stunned, horrible atmosphere. Both students and teachers were crying and hugging each other. I've heard that this boy - one of our own, a member of our school community - had a brains tumour, and he was rushed to intensive care in the middle of the night. Unfortunately, he didn't survive. He was probably only 14 years old. I'm not going to say anymore.

Dedicated to the memory of Scott Primrose

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