
I've been caught out with the rain today but not before I had my run and got a blossom shot.

I was thinking the wind might come up and make it hard to capture the Cherry blossom at its best. The wind has stayed away but not the rain. So much for that sodden linen on the line...

Like many New Zealanders I watched tv expecting/hoping to see us win the Americas Cup today. It didn't work out that way but tomorrow is another day.

Mum phoned and it was good to have a catch up with her. She is pleased to be home and the hospice did a fantastic job sorting out a few things to make her comfortable and give them more help. Today's excitement is a visit from the Sydney based grandson and his girlfriend. Surprises are good :-)

I asked her if she watched the cup racing this morning "oh yes" was the reply. I know she'll be watching tomorrow too.

Other than that hpx has faced up to a few things I'd rather ignore but which will make a difference over the next while. I call that looking after myself, along with the nana-nap I succumbed to this afternoon.

Hopefully I can skype with that very cheeky nephew of mine who is surprising his grandparents before I head out of the evening.

Just one more point...

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