Scoots, Shoots & Leaves

By TerriG

Master Voice Teacher I Am!

Well, I did it. I passed my last skill assessment today, and as of 1:30 have been dubbed a Certified Master Voice Teacher through the Transformational Voice Institute. What you're looking at is a year's worth of notes and handouts - and most of my notes are on my iPad! Time to sort and recycle and file.

I have learned so much in this year. My blip from a month ago details some of the curriculum. I've also made some wonderful friends and have taken a bold step (for me) into the realm of teaching. No one is more surprised than I am!

I am also now an affiliated teacher with the Institute - if you're curious, my music bio is at the bottom of this page.

Tomorrow night our gang of graduates is having a celebration at a karaoke studio - we've reserved a private room and will spend a few hours letting our hair down and actually singing together! What a concept! Followed by Indian food, and including much laughter and merriment. I'm sure there will be photos!

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