All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

This is the Life

I wasn't sure how well Ethan would sleep last night. We had booked a family room, which consists of 2 bedrooms. I was fully expecting to have to sleep in with Ethan but no, he was pretty excited to have his own room and slept all night long in it! Now why can't he do that at home!

We had a pool day today. Literally couldn't get Ethan out the swimming pool all day. He has also discovered the free ice-cream which he can help himself to at various points round the hotel complex and loved just eating it whilst floating around on the lilo (or the lolo as he insists on calling it)!

He did go to Kids Club for the first time though at his request. He was a bit shy when I took him so I stayed for 10 minutes and told him he didn't need to stay if he didn't want to. But when they told him they were going to be doing water games he decided to give it a go. And lasted the whole session! He told me afterwards he had fun but that he's not bothered about going again.

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