Footprints in Photos

By AnnaSpanner

A day off together

Sooo following on from yesterday's blip, L DID stay out of my bed last night. And just before I handed over the marble as her earnings, she confessed that she slept in M's bed instead. Gah! I care a lot less about her disturbing M's sleep, than when she was disturbing my sleep though ;-)

J was working till late last night. Normally this means I don't sleep until he's home, but last night I fell asleep at 8:30pm and stayed there till morning.

We had the day together today so decided to try and do something productive with it. We headed into town to take part in the "we love Bletchley day" celebrations but on seeing it was just rather odd stalls we had a little look through the charity shops and decided to bail.

Instead we came home. I've perfected my perfect popcorn making strategy so we made bucket loads and watched Despicable Me together.

I've been picking my brothers brains about stuff of an IT nature. Thank goodness for brainiac big brothers. He's honestly like the pub- quiz-go- to- trivia- and- all- things- useful guy. Every family should have one. And what with him being hundreds of miles away, he can't pinch my stuff and play pranks on me.

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