Our Journey is a process

By journeysprocess

Storm's coming

Today the weather has been erratic at best. For the most part, it has been windy with continuous movement of clusters of clouds moving from the southwest to the northeast. This shot was taken looking to the south about 20 minutes before sunset. I was hoping for a great sunset, but a solid layer of clouds blew over blocking out what might have been a great sunset. Oh well! Next time.

I had to clean out the master bathroom today in preparation for demolition on Monday. You may recall from my earlier blips that we are renovating my mother-in-law's house in Colorado and, at the same time, renovating our townhouse in Reno. It is just how all of the contractors' schedules worked out. So, my husband is in Colorado overseeing the renovations there, and I am here in Reno overseeing the renovations to the townhouse.

I'm also here in Reno for work. My new client decided to put off the work in Oregon for a while. So, my main client has decided that he wants me to open negotiations with another group of landowners. I'm also working on a corporate acquisition as well. When it rains, it pours. But that is the life of a consultant. Sometimes you have too much work and other times you starve.

But, truthfully, I am missing my husband and my pups. The grey day didn't really help my mood much. Oh well, time to have a bite to eat, pop a good movie in the DVD player and kick back and relax.

Best to all of you. Hope you are having a great weekend!

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