Snapping Aboot

By rxpell


Today I visited the Military Museums in Calgary - it was a 7km walk from downtown but well worth it as the exhibits were great. I was close to tears in the Calgary Highlanders Museum learning about the slaughter they endured in WW1. I always try and visit allied military museums and monuments not just because I like the tanks and planes and ships, but to honour the memory of those that fought. Anyway, enough of the philosophical stuff, this propeller greeted me when I arrived at the Museum - and I was amazed to find out that it was from HMCS Huron, a ship that I have visited when it did a port call on the Clyde years ago. So here it is now, 4,000ft up and many miles from the sea and looking very shiny. After her retiral, HMCS Huron was used for target practice and is now sunk :(

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