
By Charlie17

Forky Tails.

Now I know that this isn't the greatest photograph in the world.
But ...
I was lifting stones hoping to see a newt when I saw this.
At first, I thought it was an albino forky tail. But no.
Forky tails grow in stages and when they first emerge from their last moult, they are white for a few hours.
At this time of year, there are lots of forky tails to be seen in the garden and sometimes in the house.
It is easy to see why they are called forky tails but they are also called earwigs. People had the crazy idea that they crawled into ears and started burrowing.
Absolute nonsense, I'm glad to say.
Forky tails are very good mothers. They look after their young until they can live independently.
I kinda like forky tails.
A beautiful morning here today.
Have a stress free day.

Sent from my iPad

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