
By fennerpearson

Last day of summer

Today is, officially at least, the last day of summer. Tomorrow, September 22nd, is the autumn equinox and, in my head, this is when the days do start drawing in.

It also marks the point at which I start routinely lighting the fire in the evenings. I have lit the fire on the odd occasion over the last few weeks, using up what was left of last winter's firewood and coal. Today, though, I went out and bought fresh bags of kindling, logs and coal. (Normally I'd get a load of wood delivered but I'm only here for another week.)

I looked at another property in Kirkby Lonsdale earlier this year, which was pretty much perfect, except that it didn't have an open fire and that's when I realised for sure that it's something I don't want to live without. From this you can accurately deduce that the new place does have an open fire!

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