Gitama's World

By Gitama

The Pelican Circus & A VERY Naughty Magpie.......

....who knocked me off my bike today.

Yes I'm a little sore after having another spill on my bike...but this time was due to a rather large and aggressive Magpie.
We left home for a nice long bike ride to the park when a bird swooped on my head...

....I didn't actually see the bird just the large shadow...he was very persistent and swooped several times...At one time I though he was going to lift my hat off my head.
The rest is history and I landed on the ground with a big crunch...ouchie!

Jaiya coming up from the rear just saw my crash graceful tumble and was a little worried when I told her about the bird..she hadn't seen it and thought that I had finally lost my marbles.
Thank goodness the culprit showed himself and proceeded to laugh at me from the safety of the garden across the road. Jaiya was relieved that her Mum wasn't going totally bonkers....just a bit.

The Peli Belis were in good form today...lots of fish to fight over.

Here is a little one from Rumi (not the dog) for my Magpie friend.

I want to sing like the birds sing,
not worrying who listens or what they think.
~ Rumi (not the dog)

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