lrjlo - Suburban Explorer

By lrjlo


As part of Open House weekend, we decided to get some culture and visit the Foreign Office as I'd heard it was quite ornate inside. There was a bit of a queue but it moved quickly. We were allowed to take photos inside rooms but not in corridors which was a bit odd - they said it was for security reasons so you couldn't photograph the layout of the building but they probably should have taken down the floor plans on the walls if it's that important.

There were some very grand rooms. This is the ceiling above a staircase. It kind of reminds me of a church. There were murals showing Britannia 'saving' and 'protecting' the rest of the world. They were quite over the top, in a classic, Roman inspired style. Some were also overtly racist - for example with a small black woman standing naked with a basket of fruit on her head. Best viewed in the context of the time!

After this we decided we'd had enough culture for one day and went to St James's Park to see the birds and then went for a curry.

In other news, I haven't posted on here in far too long. I've moved house and now live in zone 1 next to the river which is rather different. This week I also found out I need glasses to see things that are far away, particularly for reading text that is far away. I'm getting the glasses on Tuesday and it should be interesting seeing how much difference they make. I have gradually noticed a deterioration in my sight in the past year or two but it got to a point where I couldn't read presentations at work.

I should really post on here more.

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