It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco

Castle In The Clouds.....

This is a fantasy take on PaulaK's and my trip out to the Broadway Tower today.
When I woke up it was a clear blue sky....Later it had a few white puffy clouds and by the time we got there at about lunch time it was flat grey.

Seeing as I'm in an editing mood I decided to put a new sky in...then tried to sort the distortion out...but I failed on that but did enough to cut the picture off at the bottom and on the I thought.... Oh well I might as well turn it into a fantasy shot. I've always wanted to try this but never had a castle picture before...This Tower does the job :-)

Back to work tonight so that will no doubt come bloomin hard!! lol

The Dragon In The Clouds x

Check out the music I've put to this ...Thanks to Avid Lensman :-)

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