
By EAnnBlair

The good book

This was taken as part one of a challenge. Not the one I used in the end but it's to post 5 consecutive pictures in 5 days on the theme of books.
Anyway. For an unbeliever I have an awful lot of bibles. 1 is the family bible with the sliver of family history dating back to 1823. 2 more belonged to my parents. 2 belong to my 2 younger daughters. Christening presents from my beloved Auntie Irene. Don't ask about the Christenings. It's complicated. And two are mine. One a present from my godmother when I was 10 and the other will be familiar to anyone who attended secondary school in the West Riding. The county council made a gift of one to every pupil. I was pleased with the picture.
In other news I got some work done. Yeah. And spent the afternoon with grandchildren. Double yeah.
Work again tomorrow. Boo.

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