Sal, Soul Sister.

By sally


Woke up this morning to find a message from a possible future employer on my phone. Happy to finally have a legitimate reason to go back to the mountains tomorrow, it felt as if a giant cloud had been lifted. Also it had to help that Mom & Dad have been out of town since yesterday. I have been feeling awful being stuck here and have also been losing motivation to get out. funny how that works out...

Anyway, with this new found happiness I decided to take up to the mountain border at the edge of my town for a spot to read and a few photographs. Instead of reading I ended up running all over the place with my camera and snapping quite a few lanscapes. In the end, however, I found this small marvel nearly underfoot (spotted just in time). Sometimes I forget that we are in a climate so arid it is technically considered a desert. A far cry from the coastal city where I grew up.

For the first time today I was finally able to understand our namesake.

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