
By TrishaR

Doors Open Weekend

I love the Doors Open Weekend as it's an excuse for a good nosy in places that usually keep their Doors Shut!

In the past we have been to loads of places in Perth & Kinross, and today after a very busy morning headed along the A90 to Megginch Castle which has it's main gates just off this busy dual carriageway on the Road to Dundee. Could have got a better day for this outdoor event, the temperatures was 22.5 and I was loving it:-)

The castle is owned by the Drummond family and my mum told me just before I went that my grandfather worked in the gardens and orchard there in the early 1900s before he went to fight in WW1 with the Black Watch.

The place is a photographers paradise, many fantastic features. We spent hours wandering around the orchard, and heard a talk from a bee keeper which was fascinating. There were aggressive geese, hens, horses, dogs and best of all - tea and home baking in the walled gardens which was in aid of Maggie's Cancer Charity. The scones were superb;-)

The owner was telling us that they have their Doors Open again for the garden's open scheme and their garden looks it's best in Spring when the driveway is filled with daffs. He sold it to me:-)

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