
By PeterMay

Political Fire

The TV news in the US is being dominated by the threat of Republicans to shut down the Government if funding isn't cut for Obamacare. Makes me mad to watch 5th rate politicians making specious and self-serving arguments in support of which they are prepared to make ordinary people suffer. If they succeed in their madness, then perhaps this old fire engine might be pressed once again into service.

Our day began with an extraordinary dim sum brunch, was followed by wine-tasting in Saratoga, and concluded in the Pump Station in Albany. In between were lots of laughs and some debate about Scottish independence -although there was no disagreement. The consensus was that it would be madness not to grasp the nettle. Our American friends were dumbfounded and green with envy at the free health, education and health care for the elderly available to all in Scotland.

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