Kipper Cabin

By KipperCabin

The Creeper's turning!

Virginia Creeper's totally lawless. It'll go everywhere if you let it. I love it! I've got one growing round the dining room window and I have to keep it in check cos I want to have the house painted one of these days.

The Kipper's clad in cedar shingles. Unfortunately, someone painted the shingles with finest quality exterior paint guaranteed 25 years in WHITE!! some years ago. Criminal. Cedar shingles shouldn't be painted period, but if they are they mustn't be painted WHITE!! for gods sake.

That there above is another Virginia Creeper, growing up the front of the potting shed. Potting shed's cedar too, although unencumbered by paint .... just a splash of opaque stain, for longevity.

Six hours in the garden today. Rain jacket on, rain jacket off, rain jacket on, rain jacket off. You'd think I live on a rock in the middle of the Pacific.

Fred helped. HAA! Just kiddin'. He came out in between showers to say, "Is there anything to eat?". That's m'boy.

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