
By Miffy

….Yes, it’s a Weta

My husband found this ‘fella’ on an outside doormat. He’s rather handsome in an unusual way – with a body that’s all smooth and shiny, spiny legs and appealing eyes.

Some of you will remember I blipped a squashed weta in June when I was visiting Wellington. This is a much better specimen so I thought it was worth putting him on blip too.

And in a square format for the Square September challenge hosted by Ambling Camera.

Facts about the Weta
- The weta is only found in New Zealand and is so old it has outlived the dinosaurs.
- Weta are large by insect standards. Some of the giant weta are enormous and are amongst the heaviest insects in the world
- The weta is more primitive than the tuatara. It has changed very little in the past 100 million years.
- Weta have their ears on their front knees and can feel the vibrations of noises around them.
-You can tell a male and female weta apart because females have a long ovipositor, which looks a bit like a stinger, which they use to lay eggs.
- There are five different types of weta - tree weta, cave weta, giant weta, tusked weta and ground weta. All together there are over 100 different species of weta.

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