
By DonnaWanna

To Bee Or Not To Bee

I brought some washing in last night, put the pile in the laundry and didnt sort it out until this morning. I got a little shock when this bee revealed himself looking quite stunned after having spent the night wrapped in one of the folded T shirts.

Took him carefully outside and he just sat there, probably blinded by the light. Ran back inside and got the camera to blip him and thinking he would be gone by the time I got back there. But no he was still there and was quite happy to have some shots taken! Although everytime I tried to focus onto his eyes he turned away, preferred to stay anonymous I guess :))

In other important news, Jake has improved even more today and is definitely on the mend. I spoke to the vet again and she was happy for him to stay on the reduced dose of cortisone until Thursday, and then to reduce it a little more for another week. Slow weaning seems to be the name of the game! He's also still on the valium as a muscle relaxant and the pain relief too so that he wont want to be active and he's kind of floating around quite dreamily as you can imagine.

Its been a happy day :0))

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