Dripping Wet!

Spent a lot of time today waiting for a gap in the showers so Ollie and I could get a dryish walk, but it never really materialised, so we went out regardless! Up on the cliffs it was blowing a gale, so strong I could hardly stand up, let alone hold my camera steady. It was so good to be out in the fresh air, even in the wind and rain, after being in the kitchen baking all morning.

We watched a pair of bonxies, Great Skuas, harrying a black back gull, They chased and dived at it, they swooped down on it, came up underneath it, the pair of them. Eventually it got away and they set their sights on another gull. Further out there were gannets diving, flashes of white spray as they entered the water. Came home both of us a bit damp but refreshed and ready for an evening of Antiques Roadshow and Downton!

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