Tales from the Old Mills

By Oldmills

The Ministering Assistants to The Angels Of Death

Its been an odd day. My little shop has yielded me less than the wage of a sweatshop slave in Bangalore, and, naturally, thoughts turn to the morbid and morose.
Off to Joes, then, once the whistle has sounded, only to find myself sat beside-
Joe; Mechanic, Car Salesman, Sometime Courier (Im sure he knows the river Styx well), and Assistant Undertaker.
P. (who shall remain nameless and faceless- after all, we only ever need to see Le Visage d'Mort only once). P is the towns Chief Bodyplanter in the Bonegarden up the hill.
An associate, the Lady Mai, a woman of her times, and a legend as a result.
A little private joke in the maw of the inevitable....The Child and I parked in front of P.'s place of business one day.
"He's finished in the toilet, then", I said to her.
"Speak English, Daddy, or I will have to walk home."
"Look at the sign, over the funeral home- P. Dunne."
She laughed, a lot, eventually, and I offered it up in apology to the original Donne.
If you dont get this, get with it and get literate.

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