View From The Study

By StudyView


First primary school parents evening in P6 for Hope. She's doing even better than I or her mother hear through the filter of mumbles, and I like her new teacher. Very positive and smiley. This is her new classroom, built in the top half of the old hall as the school expands a little; the effect of the recession reducing the numbers going to the private schools I guess. Still a great atmosphere around the place; I sometimes wish I was ten again. Short day at work as it's a Monday but will be burning the candle later. Two days out of the office at a training event limit what I'll get done this week. Add in an ambition event on Friday, and monthly staff management on Thursday, and that's a week of work to fit into 6 hours. Still, backlog down to 130 emails; only thing is that they are starting to be the difficult ones.

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