Dear Photo Diary

By rutherfordium

Hot ass

It's not often I'm first on the scene of any kind of incident, but today I was, as a few little wisps of smoke started coming from this electricity substation. Soon the fire brigade had been called, black smoke was streaming out, the police exclusion zone was getting bigger and bigger and there were even a few small explosions. The fire brigade's tactic seemed to be to just stand there and wait for the fire to burn itself out, which it eventually did.

Most of the gathered crowd were taking photos from the other side, to catch the flames, but I like the very appropriate advertising poster on this side :)

I had a lovely day in the city today, wandering around aimlessly, people watching in cafes and browsing bookstores. Tonight Gil and I are going to a jazz club, which should be great, and then tomorrow I'm off to Groningen!

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