
By Beeonhive

Sutton Hoo

We started the day with a 7 mile walk around Orford and Orford Ness, extremely windy and big views, luckily the weather only started to close in as we finished so we decided to go the the National Trust Property at Sutton Hoo..........what an amazing place, the whole story of it just captured my imagination. The extract below is from the NT guide book and if you are ever nearby do visit it's well worth it.

"This hauntingly beautiful 255 acre estate, with far-reaching views over the river Deben, is home to one of the greatest archaeological discoveries of all time.

Walk around the ancient burial mounds and discover the incredible story of the ship burial of an Anglo-Saxon king and his treasured possessions.

Come face to face with your ancestors and explore our award-winning exhibition, the full-size reconstruction of the burial chamber, stunning replica treasures and original finds from one of the mounds, including a prince's sword"

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