
Checked the book bags this morning and found this! Got Bella to school and moments later her new blazer arrived. As we were then ridiculously early, I took the other 3 to breakfast club where they enjoyed a second breakfast! Home for the gasman who drained down the system then left as his colleague was to wire the valve in but was on an emergency call out on the north coast. Met ClareClare in town and had no sooner set off to get Bella a tie when the gasman rang! Put him off an hour, got the tie AND replacement door keys, admired pretty frocks and even squeezed in a cheeky before getting home before the gasman. A neighbour popped round do we put the world to rights. As she left, the gas man finished so I collected ClareClare again and we hit Trago to get all the bits we need for Brownies! School run ended up being a little eventful as I had to see Ally's teacher. Many texts from Bella complaining about having to wait outside... It's a life lesson ;-)

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