My days ...My life

By ElspethAnne

Get it on ...

The day started early. A walk round the garden which has lots of fruit on the trees and still there are some roses and agapanthus growing. Late in the afternoon I drove north for over 4 hours from home to Inverness for a work meeting tomorrow. It was grey as I drove through Perth and then, when nearly at Pitlochry , the sun shone in clear blue skies. I was listening to pm on Radio 4 and it was awful listening to the teacher describing how her daughter was injured as people trampled over the children in their attempts to escape. Too dreadful and incomprehensible. I switched the radio off for an hour. Later I stopped in a layby to take this Blip photo. A car drew up behind me with music pouring out the windows ;You can't hide ...your lying eyes....Followed by Elvis singing 'Heartbreak Hotel '...quite surreal for me in the state of mind I was in. I drove off and retuned the radio to Radio Scotland where Brian Burnett 'Get it on ' was exploring people's memories of the music which their grandparents had introduced them to. It was a lovely medley of tender reflections and funny stories and I drove into Inverness listening to 'Georgia on my mind ' I wonder if my 3 year old grandson Conor will like any of the music I love? Another day.

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