Little tube of miracles

I started with a sore throat yesterday. I mistakenly thought it might have been dust related as I had done some cleaning on Saturday.

On Sunday it became clear that it was not dust, but some sort of lurgy. Corin went to get me some of these. I don't use any other throat medication - just these.

They are miraculous. I woke up this morning with no voice and feeling like I couldn't swallow. 45 minutes later after a slow melting of one of these on my tongue - soreness gone and voice back. Granted, everything is numb from the benzocaine, but I don't care. In this job, the one thing I need (aside from my brain, and the ability to stand up) is my voice.

So, I have to limit myself to 8 in any 24 hours - I am on my last one now till tomorrow morning. Hopefuly that, and some ibuprofen will let me get some sleep, and I can fight another day tomorrow.

In other news, tonight I have either written the best piece of descriptive writing I have ever done or it is a steaming pile of poop. Tomorrow I am asking a respected colleague for their opinion (they are going to be sick of me by the end of this week) and hopefully they will agree that it is good. If so, the rest of the task can be done over the next couple of days and all will be well.

If anyone finds a spare few hours, sling them my way please. I would really like to have clear decks by friday so I can see my Dad at the weekend and catch up with friends from France!!

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