
There are great shanty towns of Fungi appearing, as if by magic, overnight in my garden.

These delicate little blush coloured ones remind me of ballerinas' dresses.

And unbeknownst to me, until I viewed this shot, there is a tiny green pupa hanging on until it matures and turns into some unknown little insect.

I found a flush of field mushrooms when walking the dog today which will be fried with bacon and served on toast for tomorrow's breakfast.

Thanks for saving my bacon by coming up with such wonderful titles for yesterday's piggy blip, I'm still chuckling.

Special praizes* to Arroset and Lazooligirl for their cheeky titles (see yesterday's blip and comments.)

I had a cracking night at the pub with the locals and can't quite understand how I felt so well this morning!!!

* A praize (said in a queenly way) is a combination of prize and praise ideal for virtual competitions set by me on blip!!

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