Nicole's odd life

By oddlife

Love a babywearing Granny

Bit of a disaster today. Mark just remembered he put petrol in his diesel car.

So, there was me, stuck in Crombie with no car (as Mark had to take mine so he could go to work! how rude!) and a bored baby (and bored me). Parents to the rescue. They came and got me after lunch. yey!

Matt was having a good time with granny, but was starting to hurt her dodgy wrist so we chucked him in a ring sling - this one is a Didymos anthracite stone indio with linen. Nice and soft but super supportive.

As he is a wiggler/bouncer (and a disgusting little nose picker!) he is starting to pop out of his seat. Still, he was good for half an hour or so on granny :)

After Matt had dinner, we were taken home. Fingers crossed Marks car can be sorted easily and cheaply :-/

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