Junya & Holly - Full Day Celebrations

The Police - Message In A Bottle

Today was the wedding of two very close friends. I knew Junya through Holly whom I've been friends with since we both started working in Japan. I remember the first time I met Junya was when I first bought my 50mm F1.8 lens. I also remember Holly talking to me about Junya before we had met and she was nervous to whether I'd approve. Our very first conversation, between Junya and I, was about Tron and Daft Punk.... it was instant romance.

Fast forward about 3 years later and they are now married with a wonderful child to who I am a godfather of. It was an overwhelming day with incredible people. To see both families together was like connecting the dots between the personalities that culminated into the people my friends and family know today. The gestures, mannerisms and characteristics the two people have now been given credence of origin as it were. I love meeting the families of my friends for this reason.

Many friends came from far and wide to celebrate today and being a lot older now, weddings have so much more meaning from the mere procession that I once thought when I was 10. The gesture of travel to be there is so beautiful.

I look forward to their growth as their own family. It will continuously comfort me for many, many, years to come.

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