Sad day today; we traded in our much loved TT after five and a half years. I would love to say they were trouble free years; but the roof failing (twice), the intermittent unwillingness of the passenger door to stay shut and of course the ever increasing rattles meant it was time for it to go.

I could have been persuaded to break one of my car-owning rules for the household and replaced it with another were it not for the fact the new car appears absolutely identical to this one. It is a thing of beauty...

However, this is, on paper, JT's car, so he gets the final say. He has been keen to move on for a year, and I've managed to talk him out of it until now. My experience being recovered on the M8 with bits of metal dragging along the ground did go some way to helping me reach agreement that the time is right. We've gone sensible in the replacement so maybe when it's time for me to replace my car I can be silly :-)))

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