Bits and Bobs!

By Kate64

Autumn days...

...when the grass is jewelled
And the silk inside a chestnut shell
Jet planes meeting in the air to be refuelled
All these things I love so well.

So I mustn’t forget
No, I mustn’t forget
To say a great big thank you
I mustn’t forget...

Whipped-up spray that is rainbow-scattered
And a swallow curving in the sky
Shoes so comfy though they’re worn out and they’re battered
And the taste of apple pie.

So I mustn’t forget
No, I mustn’t forget
To say a great big thank you
I mustn’t forget...

Another song that you'll hear in primary schools across the country at this time of year.

A fellow blipper put this song into my head yesterday, and I haven't been able to stop singing it all day today, especially as it's been a beautiful Autumn day, and also because I've been wandering down memory lane...

On my way to book club this morning, I found myself walking the route I used to take my class when we went to the swimming pool, and I came upon the first fallen Autumn leaves. We always used to stop under this tree to admire the colours, and to collect leaves to take back to class.

I just love the colours of Autumn...

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