
By stephenmarsh3

The Centurian

I got a slight shock last night when I noticed that I had 99 entries. Now I don't know if this counts as my 100th or 99th, as I have one backdated Blip. Either way, I'm treating it as my 100th. So today I trawled all over town hoping to see something inspiring. The numbers on either side of the town hall seemed to be the only thing to just about fit the bill. Ok, so you've got to add the numbers together! Shame about the bottom of the wheels but it was another grab shot and you take what you can get.
It was my old work colleague Martin, (f2.8), who inspired me, like others, to get involved with Blipfoto. I had stopped working for the newspaper industry back in 2009 and had hardly picked up a camera since. I can't say I missed it very much. The enjoyment factor had long since disappeared, following the untimely death of an editor whom I greatly admired. In March this year I upgraded my mobile phone to an iPhone and rediscovered the pleasures of taking photographs for their own sake. The simplicity compared to carrying tons of gear around was a revelation. Then there were the apps and all the wonderful things they could do just for the fun of it. Most of my Blips are now done on a £49 Olympus compact but occasionally I dig out one of the old Nikons and dust it down. I really do miss my F4s though. Many thanks to everyone who has subscribed to my journal and commented on and rated my near daily Blips. My appreciation is truly heartfelt. I thoroughly enjoy and take great inspiration from seeing all of your Blips and I hope you continue to enjoy some of mine.

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